Kenya Travel Guide

Kenya Travel Guide

Safari and Beach Holidays in East Africa's most popular destination

Where in the world can you...Enjoy a truly phenomenal wildlife safari?  Relax on tropical palm-fringed white sandy beaches while listening to the gentle sound of the enticingly warm Indian Ocean lapping the shoreline?  Experience timeless ethnic tribal cultures which have somehow managed to remain unchanged by today's modern world?

The answer is, of course, Kenya.  Travel Butlers can help you plan and book your safari holiday to this fascinating country, which will be individually tailored to your own particular interests and budget - whether you want purely a safari holiday or whether you want to also spend a few days relaxing on a beach afterwards.

We will take care of everything - from when you arrive at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, or Mombasa's Moi Airport, to when you unwillingly have to leave.

Come and visit this incredible country and live out your very own 'Out of Africa' safari dream.

One thing you can be sure of is that whenever you visit Kenya, you will return home with endless memories that will last a lifetime - or at least until your next visit!

The Masai Mara Reserve

Cheetah sitting on top of a termite mound in the Masai Mara National Reserve

The Masai Mara National Reserve is easily the most visited safari destination in Kenya.  The Big 5 - lion, elephant, rhino, leopard and buffalo - roam the vast open golden plains which stretch as far as the eye can see. It is the epitome of a safari dream come true - if you have an image of what being on safari will be like, then you will realise it here.

A huge variety of lodges and camps await you, which will suit any budget.

You can choose to stay in the reserve itself, or in one of the neighbouring private conservancies if you would prefer a more intimate and exclusive safari experience.


Amboseli National Park

Elephants in Amboseli with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background

The Amboseli National Park is very easy to combine with a safari in the Masai Mara.

One of the main draws of a safari here is to see the huge herds of elephants that wander the plains - some which sport the largest and most impressive tusks ever seen.

The other draw is that nearly everywhere you are in the Park, you can see Mount Kilimanjaro rising up in the distance - on a clear day, this makes for a truly outstanding backdrop to any safari photo you may take!


The Great Migration

Wildebeest crossing the Mara River.Kenya plays an important part in the Great Migration. It is the Masai Mara's lush plains where the millions of wildebeest and zebra are heading for when they set off in April on their epic 1,800 mile round journey all the way from Tanzania's Southern Serengeti Plains. 

Probably the most famous part of the migration story is a river crossing, which has been documented time and time again.

If you are in the Mara from late July through to mid October, you may get to witness this for yourself, as thousands and thousands of wildebeest stream and jump down the steep banks of the Mara River into the fast flowing river filled with hungry crocodiles. Many do not make the journey safely across...

It is one of life's true 'bucket list' moments.



Black rhino

The Laikipia Plateau is north of Nairobi, and as well as being a beautiful area of the country, it also offers some unique and different experiences.

Head out into the African bush on a game vehicle, by foot, on horseback - or even atop a camel.

Visit local communities to fully immerse yourself in the culture, meet chimpanzees and find black rhino.



Grevy's zebra - a member of the Samburu Special Five

The remoteness of the Samburu Eco-System, which includes the Samburu, Shaba and Buffalo Springs National Reserves, is the main attraction of going on safari here, as you will be one of just a few visitors who come to enjoy the rich wildlife and birdlife, including the Samburu Special Five, which includes the strange looking gerenuk otherwise known as the 'giraffe necked antelope' because of its incredibly long neck which it uses to stretch high into the bushes in search of food.


Tribal Culture

There are over 40 different ethnic African groups in Kenya

There are over 40 different ethnic African groups in Kenya, and the most well-known tribe are the Maasai. These tall, semi-nomadic people are known for their bright clothing and coloured beads, and the athletic warrior dance, in which the young morani (warrior-youth) will jump high into the air from a standing position, demonstrating to the others his strength and agility. 

Today, many of the Maasai continue to live a traditional lifestyle – their daily routine still centres around tending their cattle, which is not only their primary source of food, but also fundamental to other aspects of Maasai life: they use the cattle dung to plaster the walls of their huts; brides are ‘bought’ with cattle, demonstrating the wealth of a family; cattle blood is used in certain sacred ceremonies; and the cattle hides are used to make shoes, mattresses and other items.


Meru National Park

Elephant sighting on a game drive in Meru National Park from Elewana Elsa's Kopje

The Meru National Park is most famous for being where George and Joy Adamson raised and then successfully released their pet lioness, Elsa, back into her natural habitat in the African bush.

This beautiful story is now immortalised in both the book 'Born Free' and the award-winning film of the same name, starring Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers.

Aside from Elsa’s grave, the Park is also home to a wide range of wildlife, including large prides of lions and huge buffalo herds, and over 300 bird species.

The Park straddles the Equator, and is wild, scenic and remote. Visitors who do include this on their safari circuit will enjoy a quiet safari experience as it is still one of the lesser visited National Parks in Kenya.


Tsavo National park

The red elephants of Tsavo

The Tsavo National Park is the largest National Park in Kenya - it is so large it is divided into Tsavo West and Tsavo East.

The Park is best known for its 'red' elephants who seemingly glow in the sunset.  This unusual colouring has nothing to do with their skin pigment, but is caused by the elephants enjoying a dust bath in the red soil found here!

The Park is also known for its 'man eating lions' - a story from many years ago when a pair of lions attacked and killed many railway construction workers who were in the area working on the Kenya-Uganda railway back in 1898. The story has even been made into a film, and the lions behaviour and why they embarked on their killing spree is still a mystery today.


The Kenyan Coast

Diani Beach

A wonderful way to either start or end your exciting safari adventure to one or more of Kenya's National Parks is to relax for a few days on one of the white sandy beaches that run the entire length of the Kenyan coastline, getting up only to stretch your legs as far as the warm waters of the Indian Ocean in order to cool off from the hot African sun.

Water sport enthusiasts will also be in their element - discover beautiful coral reefs on diving or snorkelling trips; try your hand at kite-surfing or stand up paddle boarding; polish your windsurfing skills;  paddle through the gentle waves in a kayak; or even swim with whale sharks.

Mombasa is the 'beach capital' of Kenya, but many visitors to the coast head further south or north to the quieter beach destinations.

Diani and Msambweni beaches are both south of Mombasa, and are firm favourites for anyone looking for a truly tropical beach paradise - indeed, Diani has been voted Africa's leading beach destination for several consecutive years. If you are looking for endless beautiful beaches flanked by swaying palm trees, you will not be disappointed when you arrive here.

Head northwards from Mombasa and you will come to Nyali, Watamu, Malindi and Lamu. Lamu in particular is an interesting historic old town which is full of character and makes an interesting day trip if you can drag yourself away from your sun lounger.