Amboseli National Park

Elephants and Views of Mount Kilimanjaro

With a spectacular backdrop of the snowy peak of Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli National Park is just under 400 km² in size, and is the second most popular game viewing destination in Kenya, after the Masai Mara. 

The Park is most famous for its elephant population, where herds of up to 100 can be found drinking at one of the swampy springs that filter up through the rock from an endless underground water supply directly from Kili’s ice cap. Some of the bull elephants found here also have incredibly long and impressive tusks. 

Also roaming the open, flat and dusty grasslands are buffalo, wildebeest, giraffe, zebra, impala and warthog.  Not surprisingly, never far away from these herds of grazers are lion, leopard, cheetah, jackal and hyena – who are always on the look out for vunerable prey.

The birdlife is also extremely good with over 400 bird species recorded, including over 40 birds of prey.

Other attractions of a stay here include opportunities to meet local Masai tribes, who tend their cattle in villages on the outskirts of the Park’s boundaries. 

There are only a couple of lodges inside the actual Park inself, so visitors to Amboseli can also stay in one of the neighbouring private conservancies.

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